Young-adult Ministry
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word” Psalm 119:9
Demographically our church has more young adults than people in other age groups. It is vital our church also focuses strengthening the ministry to young adults. Like youth, our young adults living in the Diaspora is under constant cultural and spiritual pressures. They are under the influence of unbiblical philosophies and modern worldviews; that reject key Christian doctrines, accuracy of the Bible, biblical moral values, and the need to evangelize. This worldview now is rapidly being transported to all parts of the world including Africa. Like with the youth addressing the needs of our young adults in a timely manner is something churches should do.
Organize young adults in their age group and help them have a clear vision with implementation plans
Help them understand and commit themselves to a Christian perspective of morality
It requires that young people are taught well and that they work hard to make a godly difference in their lives and in the lives of others
Organize special programs and devotional and prayer time
Provide good, basic, Biblical teaching, in the format of interaction, covering a wide range of topics
Encourage them to join ministry groups of the church
Recognize and celebrate their gifts, affirm their leadership, and listen seriously to their concerns
Conduct workshop and provide leadership training